If you are here reading this, meet Queenie B. Wilson. My grandmother who was very impactful in my life.
We first met July 27, 1983...my birthday 😆. Seriously though, she was the only grandparent still alive when I was born, and we lived right behind her, so I spent plenty time with her.
Watching her stories, the news, drinking coffee (well I had tea because coffee make ya head hard she said), her Braves, and much more.
She taught me how to cook rice and grits using my finger as my measurement tool. She showed me how to get eggs from the chicken coop, how to catch and clean a chicken, how to barter and trade, how to feed plenty people with a few items, and I learn so many things from her on how to be a good human.
Not perfect, but a good human. My grandmother was a good human.
I can't forget...she taught me how to pose.

Before she gained her wings in September 9, 2014, she battled with Alzheimer's for over 10 years. This disease is something else because the way it took parts of her memory and left others was interesting to watch, but we still created great memories with her then.
As she battled the disease, she still kept her sass and style. Often requesting a new turban, velour jogger set, fuzzy socks, or a good throw (poncho). Oh and a good scalp grease.
I miss her so, but what I do as I grieve her is honor her. She was actually the first person I learned beauty tips from without even realizing it at first. All throughout this brand you will often see her honored. Whether it is in a product decision, product name, or lesson, Queenie B. Wilson will be honored.
I hope you enjoyed learning a little about my Forever Love...the late great Queenie B. Wilson.

1 comment
Thank you for sharing your great stories and amazing memories of your grandmother. I love how you honor your grandmother every year.